Professional Employment Consulting

Castleend Consulting prides itself in being the ONLY Search and Selection Firm in UK with expertise in the Tech and Financial services Industry.

Explore our Candidate Database

We understand getting that dream job is important to you so our entire team works round the clock ensuring your dream becomes a reality.

Trusted by Employers in the UK

We provide only the best recruiting expertise for wide variety of employers either on Contract, Short term or Full-time employment.

Employment Recruiting

We ensure your business is surrounded by the best candidates needed to make you stand out from amongst your competitors and take your business to the next level.

Search for Job Openings

You can scroll through our list of available vacancies across different industries.

Upload your resume in One Click

Getting that dream job is just one click away so take the first towards your future by uploading your cv with us.


Our satisfaction comes from hearing the success stories of both candidates and employers.
986 Uploaded CV
80 Employers
178 Candidates recruited
105 Vacanies filled

Our Work Process

We have a team of dedicated professionals who take customer satisfaction paramount.

Prospective candidates 0
Potential Employers 0
Job positions filled 0